What happens to player progress in the Open Beta when the new economy launches?

We consider the “official launch” of the game to be when our Tokens launch in H1 2022. However, when NFTs launch and are integrated into the game in December 2021, we will do a reset of our economy to bring all players, new and old, into the new and more vibrant blockchain-based open economy.

Players will receive starting rewards in the new economy based on their performance in the Open Beta and their contributions to the MRN community on both Discord and Twitter.

How are the starting rewards determined in the new economy?

Based on a player's performance during the Open Beta and contribution to the Discord community, players will receive NFT rewards as the game transitions into the new economy. These rewards will be granted no later than January 10, 2022.

NFT Rewards

Player can receive one Genesis Drop NFT by meeting any one of the following three criteria:

  1. Top 25 Player (all-time): based on the amount of XP earned (all-time) (player must have been active in last 30 days)

  2. Top 25 Battle Pass Player: based on number of Battle Pass Points earned during Open Beta Season

  3. Top 10 Discord Participant: based on engagement and community contribution during the Open Beta

Players can receive one additional character outfit NFT by meeting the following criteria:

  • Tier 34 Battle Pass Achiever (Dragon Racer): All players that have unlocked the Dragon Racer skin in the Open Beta Battle Pass will receive a copy of this skin that they can mint into an NFT

Players can receive on additional weapon skin NFT by meeting the following criteria:

  • Tier 10 Battle Pass Achiever: All players that have completed Tier 10 of the Open Beta Battle Pass will receive a copy of the HotRod MK18 gun skin that they can mint into an NFT

This means that each player can receive up to 3 free NFTs from their performance in the Open Beta.

We will post the results in Discord on December 9th. In order to be eligible to receive these rewards, the player must submit a Google Form distributed on Discord by 11:59PM UTC on December 11th. This form will ask for the following information so we can verify your account and send the NFT to your Solana wallet:

  • Discord Name (case-sensitive)

  • In-Game Player Name (case-sensitive)

  • Number of Coins (viewable in Account screen)

  • Final Battle Pass Tier (viewable in Battle Pass screen)

  • Screenshot of your Account Screen

  • Solana Wallet Public Address (download Phantom Wallet if you don't have a Solana wallet)
    NOTE: Keep in mind that an Ethereum/Metamask wallet will NOT work for this game. Metamask does not support Solana.

Rewards will be distributed to players no later than January 10, 2022.

Will player accounts and clans get reset after the Open Beta?

Yes, all player accounts and clans will get reset. However, if you wish to reserve your player or clan name in the new economy, please reach out to @Grawaii on Discord.