1. Can I play with my friends?

Currently, you can play with your friends only in private matches. This includes such modes as Team Death Match, Capture the Flag, and Battle Royale.

 Press "private match" on the game's home screen to create a new custom session for you and your friends. Try to send a link and connect as soon as possible. 

2. How do I create a clan?

Visit https://miniroyale2.io/ to see if you meet the requirements mentioned on the clan creation page.

3. Where can I find a team or a clan?

Visit our discord server: https://discord.gg/cDgGRzMAKS

Check the "player_search" channel, where you can find your clan or team.

If you feel like a strong leader, you can create your clan and compete with others. The clan creation option is available at https://miniroyale2.io/

4. I have an excellent idea of how to improve your game!

Amazing! We are glad that you enjoy our game and want to share some of your thoughts with us. Please check our "suggestions" channel in the tech section of our discord to tell us what you think. It might be the next big thing ;)

5. Feeling lost? Don’t know what to do?

You can submit a new ticket and we will do our best to help you. :)

You can also visit our official Discord. Feel free to contact us!

6. How to change the server.

If you experience lag or the ping is too high for your current location, you can switch the server to a more suitable one.

Click the icon at the bottom right of the screen in the main menu.

Then select the server closest to your geographical position.

7. I can’t hear music or sound.

Make sure music and sound are on in the settings tab.

While loading in the game please do not switch tabs, this might lead to the issue.