Season ZERO.

- What’s a  battle pass?

Through the Battle Pass system, everyone can unlock and enjoy free content, like skins for guns and characters. 

- How long does the battle pass last?

You can check the remaining time on the battle pass screen.

- I didn’t get all the items, I need more time.

Unfortunately, we can’t prolong the BP. But don’t worry! There will be much more content in the future. 

- What are battle pass points and how do I earn them.

It’s the number of points that you receive by simply playing the game, after each match you earn some points that count towards the battle pass progression. This way you unlock new items and level up the pass.

- I got a new level but I don’t see a new item in my collection.

First, you need to accept a new item on the battle pass page, then it becomes available in loadouts.

- I think I’m leveling too slow and getting fewer points than I should.

No worries, the system is working fine. Everyone levels at the same speed.

Of course, you need to put some extra effort into getting the sweetest gear.

As always, do not hesitate to ask for support.